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Introduction To Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Solution Manual

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ATMO 441a/541a

Apr 26, 1994  This is the first and only introductory-level text available on geophysical fluid dynamics. From the Back Cover This volume provides an introductory-level exploration of geophysical fluid dynamics - with a focus on the physics, not the mathematics. Lectures on 'Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics' Pavel Berloff Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London.Idea of the lectures is to provide a relatively advanced-level course that builds up on the existing introductory-level fluid dynamics courses. This textbook develops a fundamental understanding of geophysical fluid dynamics by providing a mathematical description of fluid properties, kinematics and dynamics as influenced by earth's rotation. Its didactic value is based on elaborate treatment of basic principles, derived equations, exemplary solutions and their interpretation. Solutions manuals are provided to instructors free of charge. To obtain a solutions manual, please complete the form below, giving your name, email, and university affiliation. Written by a world-renowned mechanical engineering researcher and author, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Fourth Edition, teaches, step-by-step, how to determine numerical solutions to equilibrium as well as time-dependent problems from fluid and thermal sciences and structural mechanics and a host of applied sciences.

Dynamic Meteorology

Fall 2009


To understand the dynamics and thermodynamics of large-scale atmospheric motions associated with weather and climate.


Prof. Steven L. Mullen

PAS Room 552

Tel: 621-6842



TR, 2:00 - 3:15 pm in PAS Room 488

Office Hours:

By appointment, or a drop by basis.

Generally available between 10:00 am - 1 pm on class days and immediately after class; hours are more erratic on other weekdays.

Always knock on the door. When I am in the office, I almost always keep the door closed to block noise from the hall.


MATH 223 (Vector Calculus), preferably MATH 254 (Ordinary Differential Equations), PHYS 141/142 or 151/152 (General Physics w/Calculus Applications)

ATMO 436A or instructor's permission, plus commitment to learn a little math on the fly if necessary.

Grading Policy:

Homework (50%) + Midterm and Final Exams (30% for higher score, 20% for the lower score)


Percent P


90% ≤ P


80% ≤ P < 90%


70% ≤ P < 80%


60% ≤ P < 70%


P < 60%

I reserved the right to make reasonable (a.k.a. minor) downward adjustments to the above intervals if the course grade distribution is shifted so low that a preponderance of failing or inferior marks occurs.The option to adjust does not mean that a lowering of interval thresholds will occur to boost an average score (~70%) to an A or very poor score (<50%) score to a D, etc.

Homework constitutes the most critical component of the course, and it is weighted accordingly in your course grade. You learn dynamics by working problems, verifying book and lecture derivations, and providing physical interpretations for equations and solutions. Consequently, this class is designed to exercise your ability to solve problems. There will be approximately 6-10 homework sets. Hence, each HW assignment will count a significant fraction of your course grade; the exact value of a homework assignment will depend on the number and difficulty of problems. Problems will be primarily selected from the required Holton's textbook, and they may include some of the Matlab exercises in the end of the chapters. You are encouraged to exchange ideas on solution techniques for the homework sets with fellow students, but each of you must turn in a unique solution set that reflects your effort alone. I recommend the online resource Solving Problems in Physics by Dan Syter, who offers advice that may improve your ability to solve problems. We will also work a few practice problems together in class. A 'mini-project' or 'interpretive assignment' is also possible near the end of the term; more on this later.

Graduate and undergraduate students will be assigned the same homework sets. The grading for graduate/undergraduate students will be more/less stringent. Late homework that is turned in before the distribution of answer sheet will result in an escalating penalty of Nx10% (subtracted from maximum possible score), where N is the number of weekdays late. (e.g., one weekday late is a 10% reduction; 2 weekdays late is 20%; 3 weekdays late is 30%.) A homework set that is handed in after the distribution of the answer sheet will result in zero points for that assignment. I view zero assignments very unfavorably, and I consider just one zero grounds for eliminating a student from any possible end-of-term 'adjustment'.I will distribute the answer key to the class with their graded assignment, typically one week after the homework is submitted. By taking this class, you implicitly agree to not give answer keys to another student.

Exams for graduate students may contain additional problems and problems of greater difficulty. Graduate exams will also be subject to more stringent scoring. The score for any missing exam is taken as zero. Exams or portions thereof may be take home.


Before Lecture: Read the relevant textbook material

During Lecture:Actively participate in class; ask questions; volunteer answers; provide insights to complement instructor.

After Lecture: Re-read the relevant Chapter if necessary; go over lecture notes; complete the homework on time; be professional

Any Time:I am not perfect. Some mistakes (all of which are my responsibility) are bound to occur. Many are as simple or obvious such as my poor script or a dropped sign; others may be far more sinister. Please bring miscues of any type (minor or major) to the attention of the instructor. Your corrections are welcome.

Course Guidelines and Policies:

Office Hours: Students are encouraged to drop by my office for help or questions related to the course. More seasoned graduate students are also a valuable resource to help with the material, and they are usually more than willing to take some time to help within reason.

Due Dates and Exams: Due dates for problem sets and exams will be announced in class. Make-ups for the exams are not allowed as a rule. Please contact me immediately if any extenuating circumstance arises during the semester that might impact your class performance.

Attendance: Castle clash best hero for war god. Attendance, attentiveness and interest are your responsibility. Students are responsible for all material missed in class, which includes homework sets and exams. If you are absent, I expect 1) assignments due that day to be turned in early and 2) exams scheduled for that day to be taken early subject to my prior approval.

Special Needs: If you are involved in any special academic program, are on academic probation, or have other special needs, please meet privately with me during the first week of the semester to discuss your situation.


Academic Integrity, and Other Important UA Policies and Procedures: Homework problems and exam questions are designed to reflect the work and progress of each individual student. They are to be completed by each individual student, and not as a group. Obtaining answer keys for the homework sets from students who took the course in prior years is verboten. The University of Arizona's Code of Academic Integrity can be found under the appropriate link at UA Policies and Procedures. Each student is responsible for knowing the Code of Academic Integrity and adhering to it. I have a zero tolerance, no exceptions policy to violations of the Code of Academic Integrity. You can submit Code of Conduct accusations about fellow students online at Anonymous Complaint Form. Submissions are completely anonymous. I will investigate the allegations further.

Textbooks and References:

With one exception, I limit discussion to books that I have used as references and are in print, and I own. Many other excellent reference books on atmospheric dynamic and thermodynamics are available in print.

Required Textbook:

J. R. Holton, 2004* (*Purchased a copy using my own resources.)

An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, 4th Ed.

Academic Press, 535 pp.

ISBN 978-0123540157

Casino free play. Industry standard on atmospheric dynamics for seniors and first-year graduate students. I will follow the book very closely, but some material will be skipped or skimmed over (i.e. you are responsible for the reading and learning it on your own) while some complementary material from other references may be included.

Recommended Textbooks to Complement this Course:

G. K. Vallis, 2006*

Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Large-Scale Circulation

Cambridge University Press, 745 pp

ISBN: 978-0521849692

Recent textbook targeted for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. This book is a gem that will likely become a standard of modern-day, large-scale dynamics. Contains concise derivations and cogent interpretations. Excellent value. Vallis takes a more balance between atmosphere and ocean applications than Holton. Subjects range from impact of turbulent motions on large-scale motions, wave-mean interaction, and theorems of atmospheric general circulation. Consider getting a copy.

J. E. Martin, 2006*

Introduction To Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Dynamics: A First Course

Wiley, 324 pp.

ISBN 978-0470864654

Textbook for seniors and beginning graduate students that covers the staples of 1st semester course in synoptic-dynamic meteorology. Thorough treatment of quasi-geostrophic theory and frontogenesis with excellent concluding chapters on cyclone development and PV thinking. Good schematics and synoptic interpretations to illustrate dynamic principles. The material in Martin closely corresponds to what is covered in Chapters 1-6, 8 and 9 of Holton, and for that reason it is recommended as an interpretative supplement to the required text and my lectures. Martin contains no formal material on waves and stability, however.

H. B. Bluestein, 1992*

Introduction To Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Solution Manual Free

Synoptic Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes Volume I

Oxford Press, 431 pp.

ISBN: 978-0195062670

H. B. Bluestein, 1993*

Synoptic Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes Volume II

Oxford Press, 594 pp.

ISBN: 978-0195062687

Comprehensive and comprehensible collection of fundamental material on mid-latitude synoptic-dynamic meteorology that helps bridge the gap between theory and observations. This is a volume for weather nuts. There is a wealth of weather maps and clear schematics to illustrate the underlying dynamics and thermodynamics of 'weather'. Bluestein devotes more time to the filling-in steps of derivations than most authors. The two-volume set goes well beyond Martin in detail and scope. Fortunately the cost has gone down since its introduction, as each book can be found new for well under $100.

Useful Survey Textbooks:

J. M. Wallace and P. V. Hobbs, 2006*

Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey, 2nd Ed.

Academic Press, 483 pp.

ISBN: 978-0127329512

An excellent, all-around reference for students with interests in atmospheric-climate sciences. Target audience is seniors and first-year graduate students in the atmospheric sciences and its sister disciplines. It is rightly renown for its breadth of material and its clarity of interpretative explanations. The inclusion of chapters on synoptic meteorology and atmospheric chemistry, among other things, separates W&H from other survey level texts. Recently updated; the 2nd edition has outstanding figures. Excellent value. Highly recommended. If you choose to have only one atmospheric-climate science reference on your bookshelf, this might be the one. (Open disclosure: Mike Wallace was my dissertation advisor. Moreover, I have found memories of my entering graduate class at the U. Wash. 'proofing' a final draft of the1st edition and working most of the problems during the fall quarter.)

J. Marshall and R. A. Plumb, 2007^

Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics: An Introductory Text

Academic Press, 344 pp.

ISBN: 978-0125586917

Another broad survey that integrates atmosphere, ocean and climate dynamics. Its inclusion of the ocean and its circulation, and GFD laboratory experiments (e.g. turntable water tanks) makes it a wonderful complement to Wallace and Hobbs. Target audience is upper-division undergraduates and 1st year graduate students. Good value. (^ I have only read bits and pieces of a preliminary version that used to be online, but I was sufficiently impressed to place it in the 'to get' queue.)

M. L. Salby, 1996*

Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics, Volume 61

Academic Press, 627 pp.

ISBN: 978-012-6151602

Broad survey in the spirit of Wallace and Hobbs. Its material is presented at a somewhat higher mathematical level than Wallace and Hobbs, but Salby does not include material on synoptics, air chemistry, or climate dynamics.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Textbooks:

B.Cushman-Roisin and J.-M. Beckers, 2010** (**As of 8/19/2009, a preliminary version could be downloaded from here or here.)

Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2nd Edition Volume 98

Physical and Numerical Aspects

Academic Press, approximately 750 pp.

ISBN: 978-0120887590

The long awaited follow-up to the popular (and out-of-print) 1st edition. Cushman-Roisin and Beckers offers a thorough survey of atmospheric-oceanic GFD. What separates CR&B is end of each chapter also includes material on computational fluid dynamics and related MATLAB codes; hence, book provides a unified introduction to GFD without having to purchase separate books on theory and modeling. Presentation is about the same level as Holton.The projected publication date** is Jan 2010. The projected cost is ~$100.

J. C. McWilliams, 2006*


Academic Integrity, and Other Important UA Policies and Procedures: Homework problems and exam questions are designed to reflect the work and progress of each individual student. They are to be completed by each individual student, and not as a group. Obtaining answer keys for the homework sets from students who took the course in prior years is verboten. The University of Arizona's Code of Academic Integrity can be found under the appropriate link at UA Policies and Procedures. Each student is responsible for knowing the Code of Academic Integrity and adhering to it. I have a zero tolerance, no exceptions policy to violations of the Code of Academic Integrity. You can submit Code of Conduct accusations about fellow students online at Anonymous Complaint Form. Submissions are completely anonymous. I will investigate the allegations further.

Textbooks and References:

With one exception, I limit discussion to books that I have used as references and are in print, and I own. Many other excellent reference books on atmospheric dynamic and thermodynamics are available in print.

Required Textbook:

J. R. Holton, 2004* (*Purchased a copy using my own resources.)

An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, 4th Ed.

Academic Press, 535 pp.

ISBN 978-0123540157

Casino free play. Industry standard on atmospheric dynamics for seniors and first-year graduate students. I will follow the book very closely, but some material will be skipped or skimmed over (i.e. you are responsible for the reading and learning it on your own) while some complementary material from other references may be included.

Recommended Textbooks to Complement this Course:

G. K. Vallis, 2006*

Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Large-Scale Circulation

Cambridge University Press, 745 pp

ISBN: 978-0521849692

Recent textbook targeted for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. This book is a gem that will likely become a standard of modern-day, large-scale dynamics. Contains concise derivations and cogent interpretations. Excellent value. Vallis takes a more balance between atmosphere and ocean applications than Holton. Subjects range from impact of turbulent motions on large-scale motions, wave-mean interaction, and theorems of atmospheric general circulation. Consider getting a copy.

J. E. Martin, 2006*

Introduction To Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Dynamics: A First Course

Wiley, 324 pp.

ISBN 978-0470864654

Textbook for seniors and beginning graduate students that covers the staples of 1st semester course in synoptic-dynamic meteorology. Thorough treatment of quasi-geostrophic theory and frontogenesis with excellent concluding chapters on cyclone development and PV thinking. Good schematics and synoptic interpretations to illustrate dynamic principles. The material in Martin closely corresponds to what is covered in Chapters 1-6, 8 and 9 of Holton, and for that reason it is recommended as an interpretative supplement to the required text and my lectures. Martin contains no formal material on waves and stability, however.

H. B. Bluestein, 1992*

Introduction To Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Solution Manual Free

Synoptic Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes Volume I

Oxford Press, 431 pp.

ISBN: 978-0195062670

H. B. Bluestein, 1993*

Synoptic Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes Volume II

Oxford Press, 594 pp.

ISBN: 978-0195062687

Comprehensive and comprehensible collection of fundamental material on mid-latitude synoptic-dynamic meteorology that helps bridge the gap between theory and observations. This is a volume for weather nuts. There is a wealth of weather maps and clear schematics to illustrate the underlying dynamics and thermodynamics of 'weather'. Bluestein devotes more time to the filling-in steps of derivations than most authors. The two-volume set goes well beyond Martin in detail and scope. Fortunately the cost has gone down since its introduction, as each book can be found new for well under $100.

Useful Survey Textbooks:

J. M. Wallace and P. V. Hobbs, 2006*

Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey, 2nd Ed.

Academic Press, 483 pp.

ISBN: 978-0127329512

An excellent, all-around reference for students with interests in atmospheric-climate sciences. Target audience is seniors and first-year graduate students in the atmospheric sciences and its sister disciplines. It is rightly renown for its breadth of material and its clarity of interpretative explanations. The inclusion of chapters on synoptic meteorology and atmospheric chemistry, among other things, separates W&H from other survey level texts. Recently updated; the 2nd edition has outstanding figures. Excellent value. Highly recommended. If you choose to have only one atmospheric-climate science reference on your bookshelf, this might be the one. (Open disclosure: Mike Wallace was my dissertation advisor. Moreover, I have found memories of my entering graduate class at the U. Wash. 'proofing' a final draft of the1st edition and working most of the problems during the fall quarter.)

J. Marshall and R. A. Plumb, 2007^

Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics: An Introductory Text

Academic Press, 344 pp.

ISBN: 978-0125586917

Another broad survey that integrates atmosphere, ocean and climate dynamics. Its inclusion of the ocean and its circulation, and GFD laboratory experiments (e.g. turntable water tanks) makes it a wonderful complement to Wallace and Hobbs. Target audience is upper-division undergraduates and 1st year graduate students. Good value. (^ I have only read bits and pieces of a preliminary version that used to be online, but I was sufficiently impressed to place it in the 'to get' queue.)

M. L. Salby, 1996*

Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics, Volume 61

Academic Press, 627 pp.

ISBN: 978-012-6151602

Broad survey in the spirit of Wallace and Hobbs. Its material is presented at a somewhat higher mathematical level than Wallace and Hobbs, but Salby does not include material on synoptics, air chemistry, or climate dynamics.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Textbooks:

B.Cushman-Roisin and J.-M. Beckers, 2010** (**As of 8/19/2009, a preliminary version could be downloaded from here or here.)

Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2nd Edition Volume 98

Physical and Numerical Aspects

Academic Press, approximately 750 pp.

ISBN: 978-0120887590

The long awaited follow-up to the popular (and out-of-print) 1st edition. Cushman-Roisin and Beckers offers a thorough survey of atmospheric-oceanic GFD. What separates CR&B is end of each chapter also includes material on computational fluid dynamics and related MATLAB codes; hence, book provides a unified introduction to GFD without having to purchase separate books on theory and modeling. Presentation is about the same level as Holton.The projected publication date** is Jan 2010. The projected cost is ~$100.

J. C. McWilliams, 2006*

Fundamental of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Cambridge University Press, 266 pp.

ISBN-: 978-0521856379

A tight, meaty treatment that contains subjects (e.g. nonlinear dynamics, chaos, solitons) not extensively covered in other existing GFD books. McWilliams fills some important voids in what currently exists.

J. Pedlosky, 2003*

Autocad mac crack. Waves in the Ocean and Atmosphere: Introduction to Wave Dynamics

Springer, 260 pp.


A concise text on the 'fundamentals' of waves in the atmosphere-ocean that is based on a course that Pedlosky teaches. Covers a complete spectrum of GFD waves ranging from gravity waves, Rossby waves, instabilities, and wave-mean flow interactions. Target audience is first year graduates. To understand waves is to understand fluids.

Seminal References on Geophysical Fluid Dynamics:

A. E. Gill, 1982*

Atmospheric-Ocean Dynamics

Academic Press, 662 pp.

ISBN: 978-0122835223

A classic on atmosphere-oceanic dynamics, and for good reason. Strong on equatorial dynamics and gravity waves. More advanced treatment than Holton and this course. Beloved by dynamists.

J. Pedlosky, 1992* (I have the 1st Ed.)

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2nd Ed.

Springer; 728 pp.

ISBN: 978-0387963877

Another beloved classic. Strong on low Rossby number flows; thus a nice complement to Gill. More advanced treatment than Holton and this course.

Fluid Dynamics Textbooks:

P. K. Kundu, 2007*

Fluid Mechanics 4th Ed.

Academic Press, 638 pp.

ISBN: 978-0123737359

A comprehensive introductory text on the fundamentals of fluid mechanics with later chapters devoted to fluid applications from various disciplines (~70 p. on GFD, aerodynamics, biofluids, etc). Kundu contains a nice review chapter on some background math that is needed to study fluids. Comparable level as Holton.

G. K. Batchelor, 2000*

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Cambridge University Press, 635 pp.

ISBN: 978-0521663960

Classic treatment on fundamentals of fluid dynamics. Limited material on GFD (shallow fluids on a rotating sphere).

Evolving TopicsImportant DatesSupplemental Readings

HW #1 SolutionsHW #2 SolutionsHW #3 Solutions

HW #4 SolutionsHW #5 SolutionsHW #6 Solutions

HW #7 SolutionsHW #8 SolutionsHW #9 Solutions

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